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Q | 1.2.5 If there is any structural test (cyclic or dynamic loading) within the country or abroad, provide all the results. |
A | IHI is in the continuous process of commissioning tests for local and international certification standards. These include testing with respect to normal usage (loading, thermal, sound characteristics) as well as safety and environmental testing (fire, wind, earthquake, etc.). Intertek Testing, an international certified and accredited testing agency, has now completed required building code testing on behalf of IHI with respect to the building components derived from the technology.
To date Intertek Testing have completed a number of tests related to loading and fire resistance.
- Fire: With respect to fire, the results show that the panels will provide a two hour fire resistance.
- Uniform Load: Panels of various sizes were tested for transverse uniform load capability. Panels withstood 562-lbs / square foot.
- Wind Load: Panels withstood 225-lbs / square foot, which is equivalent to a wind velocity of 300 miles per hour.
Product Technology
Conclusions from third party research on IHI technology
After an extensive search and continuous testing, Nu-Westech, an independent reputable technology research firm, concluded that there are no comparable methods of building technology available at this time. They also concluded that to engineer and design for every condition to the finer allowable tolerances within the safety limits of the building code requires a significant amount of calculation. A specialized computer program would circumvent the tedious algorithms that would be required. |
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Q | 1.2.6 How applicable and prevalent is the usage of passive systems in ventilation, cooling, heating and energy conservation in this building? |
A | The IHI panels provide high thermal insulation throughout the building; however, it is for the engineers and architects to specify any sort of passive systems of HVAC for energy conservation. These can be executed by a general contractor since IHI will only provide the pre-conduit/sleeve pipes panels to construct the entire building.
The IHI panels provide high thermal insulation throughout the building; however, it is for the engineers and architects to specify any sort of passive systems of HVAC for energy conservation.
To be clearer, eliminate the last 2 lines. To be more specific, each panel is not only well insulated but is well sealed & the rigid insulation acts as a full vapor barrier and each joint is sealed on both sides of the panel (inside and outside). All above make heat losses extremely limited allowing for high efficient passive systems. |
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Q | 2- Fire Resistance |
A | 2-1 Main Questions
2-1-1 Describe the material specification comprising system regarding fire protection. (Inflammability or combustibility, smoke production, generated heat and toxic gases and fire protection demands)
Please refer to the attached fire test results prepared by INTERTEK. The only component exposed to fire will be the high-strength concrete that protects both the steel and insulation. |
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Q | 2.1.2 How is the system endurance (for structural and non-structural elements) against fire and how is it obtained? |
A | Endurance is outstanding. In case of fire propagation inside a certain space of the building, the fire will not spread throughout since all of the walls and slabs have a minimum of 1 hour fire rating. This gives a feeling of safety and security to the occupants of the IHI buildings. All steel frames, sub-frames and the reinforcement are imbedded in the concrete and tested accordingly, for any exposed steel again this specific element will be properly coated with fire resistance coating available all over the world and each region is governed by different specifications. |
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Q | 3- Acoustics |
A | 3.1 Main Questions
3-1-1 How much is the (Rw) value or (STC) for exterior wall and partition?
So far, all on site sound testing exceeded all local requirements in Canada. Noise is transmitted through both air and structure. Sound is normally trapped and residual bouncing of sound will occur (between the higher density exterior skin layers) and that creates micro echoes.
With the IHI system, for example, this problem does not exist, since the concrete varies in thickness, and the ratio of thicknesses of various materials is by far less than in most other building systems. Most importantly, IHI panels have internal high strength small columns to eliminate the above effect.
To be clearer, we have rephrased the previously answer question to read as follows:
So far, all on site sound testing exceeded all local requirements in Canada. Noise is transmitted through both air and structure. Sound is normally trapped and residual bouncing of sound will occur (between the higher density exterior skin layers) and that creates micro echoes.
With the IHI system, the above problem does not exist, since the concrete varies in thickness, and the ratio of thicknesses of various materials is by far less than in most other building systems. Most importantly, IHI panels have internal high strength small columns/cylinders to eliminate the above effect. |
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Q | 4- Miscellaneous |
A | 4.1 Main Questions
4.1.1 Describe briefly general qualification of this system regarding applied modern technology in one paragraph.
The IHI building system is a unique patented advanced construction system available in the market today that can provide mass customization of pre-engineered high-rise, low rise, commercial, industrial, institutional type of buildings pre-manufactured in large quantities utilizing high-strength insulated structural steel special moment resistance 3 dimensional modules. All features are integrated to help providing shelter to a world needed population in all aspect. The demand is constantly experiencing exponential growth. Due to all above, IHI has optimized state-of-the-art technology that has been developing in-house over the last quarter Century to computerize the construction Industry.
IHI designs and manufactures buildings for residential, commercial, industrial and institutional markets. The buildings are durable, strong and accurate, custom designed and finished and are built in a fast manner whether high-rise or low-rise and IHI has a unique revolutionary construction technology consisting of the production of pre-engineered customized buildings using steel/concrete insulated and pre-serviced panels produced in a factory using state-of-the-art computers and machinery and a sophisticated software created by the inventors and founders of the company. Patents were issued in many Countries worldwide.
This technology is advanced and unique. It provides architects and engineers with a tool to design with total flexibility any kind of durable strong building structure in a very fast manner and with great savings utilizing a high inert quality building materials (steel and concrete) available world-wide with high levels of thermal and acoustic insulation. |
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Q | 4.1.2 What structural parts must be constructed at job site according to facilities available and what parts at factories? |
A | A general contractor or sub-contractors will prepare all the necessary site works and infrastructure including site preparation, connections to municipality sewage, water, electricity, telephone network, etc., as well as ground excavations and foundations. However, IHI can provide as an option pre-manufactured IHI foundations. The factory will manufacture all of the pre-serviced panels for the external and internal walls, slabs and roofs. At a later stage of each joint-venture factory, IHI intends to fully finish the panels at the local factories and well package for delivery to site. |
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Q | 4.1.3 What limitations are there in constructing this structure in different climates? For instance in hot & humid, mild and dry & cold climates. Describe each case. |
A | IHI has manufactured buildings in one of the most severe climates of the World: Northern Alberta, Canada. The very high quality of the elements that constitute an IHI panel can withstand any kind of climate: hot and humid; mild and dry and severe cold climates. However, the mechanical systems must be properly designed by the Client's engineers accordingly.
The materials used by IHI provide a healthy and comfortable environment. IHI buildings are totally sealed, if any hole is created and left unsealed on the outer surface of any panel, the water will drop down to the bottom of the building through weeping holes provided in the structural steel frames of every external panel. Therefore this eliminates the risk for condensation and water leaks inside the buildings. In addition it creates a natural rain screen. There are no limitations whatsoever, each case is studied independently to satisfy local requirements, however, it is worth noting that in addition to the above, where there are extreme variations of temperature, the hollow steel structural tubes that constitute the frame of the panels are injected with fire-proof insulating material to avoid having any thermal bridges at the joints between these panels. This applies to hot and humid and cold climates. The IHI panels are already insulated at the core; the insulation is protected by concrete on both faces of the panels. For buildings located in mild and dry climates there is no need to insulate the steel tubes. |
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Q | 5. Supplementary Questions |
A | 5.1 What kind of exterior and interior walls are used in this system? How could these be performed? Specify usable prefabricated walls.
IHI manufactures custom-made panels -- these panels differ in size and thickness depending on the architectural design and specifications of each building. The panels used for exterior walls are usually thicker than the ones used as interior partitions. Both are equipped with electrical conduits. The Interior panels are equipped with sleeve pipes in areas such as kitchens and bathrooms. However, the configuration of all IHI panels is practically the same with some specific details that are added as needed. |
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Q | 5.2 What kind and method of rendering and finishing usually is used in this system? (describe different applicable layers in detail). |
A | It is obvious that ANY type of finishing can be applied to concrete, especially to high-strength concrete! - Paint is usually preferred because of economic reasons; however, it is very easy to finish the exterior walls with finishing like stone, granite, marble, metal cladding, bricks, wood paneling, etc. e.g. there are no limitations whatsoever. IHI recommends the use of elastomer paint as a durable type of finish. |
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